We Support Agriculture (WSA) was founded by the Nebraska Cattlemen, Nebraska Farm Bureau, Nebraska Poultry Industries, Nebraska Pork Producers and the Nebraska State Dairy Association to defend the responsible animal welfare practices of Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers. Our mission is also supported by the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association, which represents the foremost experts in proper animal handling and care.

“For years organizations like the Humane Society of the United States have led individuals and families to believe their donated dollars go to rescuing pets and helping local shelters. The reality is very different. These organizations target agriculture operations, in an effort to put livestock producers out of business.
Farmers and ranchers recognize their obligation to provide for the well-being of the animals in their care. We will continue to fight on their behalf, raising awareness about these extreme organizations and making sure Nebraskans understand that these groups’ activities threaten farm families, rural communities, and our economy as a whole.”
-Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts
Our mission is to build a broad coalition of Nebraskans from across the State who will stand behind Nebraska farmers and ranchers to protect our way of life and our state’s economy, to promote the value of feeding our families by providing affordable, healthy food choices for our neighbors and the world, and to continue our commitment to acting as responsible stewards of our land and animals.
Activist organizations across the country and in Nebraska back local policies, legislative bills and ballot initiatives attacking row crop and animal agriculture with an intent control food choice and eliminate animal agriculture.
The truth is most Americans really don’t know about this agenda. Take the example of the Humane Society of the U.S. In reality, HSUS is a Washington D.C. based interest group which is not affiliated with local shelters. In fact, HSUS gives less than 1% of its hundreds of millions of dollars to local Humane Societies.HSUS portrays animal agriculture as abusive and cruel and advocates replacing meat and other animal-based foods in the diet with plant-based foods.
We believe Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers are thoughtful individuals who understand healthy, comfortable animals are more productive and how to care for them.
The other side deals in emotion, not facts, and they are willing to use misinformation to their advantage. Nebraska must be ready with our own campaign to set the record straight. We hope you’ll join the conversation and support the preservation and growth of Nebraska agriculture.